Once and For All

“Do not misunderstand why I have come.  I did not come to abolish the Law of Moses or the writings of the prophets.  No, I came to accomplish their purpose.”
          Matthew 5:17
In reading through Leviticus over the past few weeks I was reminded of all the things that could deem a person unclean.  One morning I sat and pondered the fact that we no longer have to offer a sacrifice for all the things that could make us unclean, yet sometimes we feel as if we have to do something to earn our righteousness, right?  Looking at the Old Testament and the New Testament side by side, it almost seems as if they don’t match up, but the truth is, they do! Look at the words of Jesus above.  He did not come to change the Old Testament law, but to fulfill it.  He came to be our once and for all sacrifice.  Let those words soak in for a minute it…ONCE…and FOR ALL.
He was our sacrifice for all the things we have ever done or experienced to make us unclean, and He died for all of us.  There is a story in Acts about a time that God called Peter to visit a Roman soldier named Cornelius to share the Good News with him and his family.  As Peter visited with them he said, “You know it is against our laws for a Jewish man to enter a Gentile home like this or to associate with you. But God has shown me that I should no longer think of anyone as impure or unclean.”  (Acts 10:28)  I love how God showed Peter in Acts 10 that the Law was fulfilled through Jesus.  Jesus made clean all that was once considered unclean by the Law of Moses.  That goes for you too.  
Jesus paid in full on the cross for you to be clean.  He has washed you white as snow and wrapped you in His robe of righteousness.  All you have to do is accept the gift Jesus gave you with His arms stretched wide on the cross.  Once you have accepted that gift of salvation, you are clean.  If you are still dragging around your baggage from the past and wearing a sign that says unclean, now is the time to ditch it.  Stop right there: drop that baggage right where you are, lose the label you have been carrying with you, lift your chin and walk victoriously.  For the voice has spoken again: “Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.” (Acts 10:15)
Lord Jesus, thank you for being the sacrifice for me, once and for all.  My human mind does not have the capacity to fully comprehend what you have done for me, but my need for you is magnified as I read the Law.  Without you I am unclean and unworthy, but you considered me worthy enough that you gave your life for me.  Thank you! I pray that I never lose awe in what you have done for me.  I will never be able to pay you back or say thank you enough, but I will live my life as a sacrifice to you.  I am determined to stop carrying around my baggage from the past and to stop calling unclean what you have made clean.  Right here, right now I am choosing to look at myself in the mirror and see myself as spotless and robed in your righteousness, for you did not die in vain, Lord Jesus.  Thank you.  I love you! Amen.

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