The Life-Changing Ride

“Shout and cheer, Daughter Zion! Raise the roof, Daughter Jerusalem! Your king is coming! A good king who makes all things right, a humble king riding on a donkey…”

Zechariah 9:9-10

This verse is a prophecy that was fulfilled by Jesus the Sunday before His crucifixion and resurrection when he made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  As he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, the crowds greeted him with shouts, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  Hosanna in the highest.”

As I reviewed this story this last week on Palm Sunday, the bitter-sweetness of this ride struck me as it never had before.  Jesus knew his final destination, yet courage and love drove Him to ride it out, all the way to the cross.  I can’t even imagine the bittersweet thoughts and emotions he had to have as he rode into town that day.  He knew that the some of the very same people shouting His praises would soon be chanting for him to be crucified, yet He continued on.

An Easter devotional that I have been reading challenged me to consider some rides I have taken that led to a major life change.  Thoughts of driving to my wedding flooded my mind, and I could feel the excitement and joy rising up in my heart.

Then I recalled the drive to my last job interview.  I was nine months pregnant, on bed rest, and had to make a six hour round trip for an interview that would allow me to work from home and spend more time with my new baby.  The whole way there and back I just prayed that I wouldn’t go into labor in the middle of nowhere.

My mind then drifted to the rides we took to the hospital before both of our girls were born.  I also thought of a drive we made to the hospital with our youngest daughter flying overhead in a flight-for-life helicopter, and a trip I recently took with my best friend in which we delivered her foster daughter back to her biological family.

Your king is coming! A good king whoThese rides were very different, but they all have something in common.  The common factor is Jesus being on the ride with us, and just as the verse above states, “He is a good king who makes all things right.”  Not only did He accompany us on the ride, He has worked in all of these situations to make all things right. I know it may not always seem like everything is made right on this side of heaven, but I do believe that when we invite God to ride with us, we see Him working things together for good according to His plans and purposes.

And it all started with His ride.  His making all things right started with His humble ride into town. Knowing the road would physically end in Jerusalem, He finished his ride to the cross and beyond to bridge the gap between God and mankind so that we could invite Him to join us on all our rides. 

Where’s your ride leading you?  Are you headed down a life-changing path?  If so, take heart in the fact that your humble King, who once traveled a life-changing path on a donkey, wishes to accompany you on your journey.  And He is a Good King who makes all things right!

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